Hullinger DNA
This blog is about the Y Chromsome of the Hullinger family which is passed from father to son. Our paternal ancestor came to America from Switzerland in 1735, but before that a paternal ancestor immigrated from the middle east. Our Haplogroup "is related to the Ancient Etruscans, (Minoan) Greeks, southern Anatolians, Phoenicians, Assyrians and Babylonians." Our Haplogroup is J,further divided as J2, J2a4h2,also known as L-25, further divided to F3133, and then FGC9962
Relatives By DNA
The information below is from It shows how much ancestry I share with others who have taken a test with Ancestry and shared their data.
Cousins by DNA from This shows relatives by DNA. It shows whether they are related from the paternal or maternal side, and how closely related they are to me. The paternal cousins will of course also be your cousins, Updated DNA Analysis just sent me this updated analysis of my DNA. My mother was all Norwegian, so most of the other areas are from John and Pearl Harlan Hullinger. The DNA has not changed but they now have many more people who have tested. They had added a little Russian, Spanish, and Dutch ancestry, which other descendants of Joh and Pearl probably share. DNA Results For Craig Hullinger March 2024
I took this test some years ago. Ancestry updates their data base as new people take the test. The estimated percentages of the test changes as their data improves. The Norwegian is from my mother Louise Liffengren Hullinger. The other locations are for Clif Hullingers ancestors.
Great Britain
Our small ancestry from the Baltics was new. We did not know anything about that. But it is clear that there would have been movement around the Baltic.

23andMe Craig Hullinger DNA March 20, 2024
I took the DNA test with 23andMe a number of years ago. The ancestry slowly changes as more people take tests and they have a larger data base to compare.
The first map below shows my European countries of origin. I have Norwegian and Swedish ancestry from my mother, and English, Scottish, Irish, and German/French and Native American from my father. is a free program by a nonprofit organization and website offering genealogical records, education, and software. It is operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). You can get your own account and quickly have the same information.
The information below is not DNA, but rather the names and locations of our ancestors. The locations below shows the part of Europe where our ancestors originated, and their names.
The Irish, British, German, and Swiss connection is for Clif Hullinger. The Norwegain connection is for Louise Liffengren Hullinger.
Ancestral Locations of Clifford Harlan Hullinger
Germany and Switzerland
England and Ireland also has an interesting way to compare how much we look like our ancestors. 50% alike is fairly close.
My father and I have the closest appearance. My paternal grandfather is almost as close, and we do look alike. And as you can see, I also look like many of my great great grandparents.
Norwegian Ancestry - ancestors of Louise (Anderson) Liffengren Hullinger
The program also lets you compare how you look to celebrities. Since we are not related to these people the percent is lower.